Tubarão-it charges (Chlamydoselachus anguineus) is a species of Tubarão of the Chlamydoselachidae family. This species that if judged dead person has about two meters of length and inhabits waters in depths that go since 600 m the 1000 m. It has a econmica importance reduced (it fishes) [1]. A female unit was filmed in 24 of January of 2007 in one raríssima appearance in little deep waters of the coast of Japan, next to the city to Shizuoka. However, the specimen died some hours after its capture.
Kingdom: Animalia Filo:
Chordata Classroom: Chondrichthyes Subclass: Elasmobranchii Superordem: Selachimorpha Order: Hexanchiformes Family: Chlamydoselachidae Género: Chlamydoselachus Species: C. anguineus extinct Species Chlamydoselachidae is a family of tubarões who only contains Tubarão-charges as extante species. Chlamydoselachus Chlamydoselachus bracheri Pfeil, 1983 Chlamydoselachus gracilis Antunes & Cappetta, 2001 Chlamydoselachus goliath Antunes & Cappetta, 2001 Chlamydoselachus fiedleri Pfeil, 1983 Chlamydoselachus lawleyi Davis, 1887 Chlamydoselachus thomsoni Richter & Ward, 1990 Chlamydoselachus tobleri Leriche, 1929 Thrinax Thrinax baumgartneri Pfeil, 1983